
AK Quarantunes: Ava Earl performs ‘All the Promises’

Ava Earl had big things planned for 2020. And despite her plans being waylaid, time is on her side. The young Girdwood songwriter went to Nashville in February to record an album. For AK Quarantunes she recorded “All the Promises,” the first song she’s written since completing the recording sessions.

“It’s about coming through hard times, something I figure we can all relate to right now,” Earl said. “My dog makes a little vocal cameo in the beginning, something else that’s probably relatable to a lot of people while working and schooling from home.”

The album was set for release this summer, but at this point Earl is hopeful it’ll still be available to listeners this year.

“Given so many unknowns at the moment, I don’t have a release date for my new album, but it will be sometime in 2020,” she said. “I couldn’t be happier with how it all came out, and I’m really looking forward to sharing it with everyone, especially the people who helped fund the album through my crowdfunding campaign this winter.”

Check out her website, which has details on her upcoming album and links to her social media. Check out her music on Spotify and Apple Music.

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