Alaska News

Arts scene: Rick Zelinsky, 'A Shayna Maidel,' Art Bar

Jazz jamboree

Rick Zelinsky and crew will repeat last night's "Tribute" to Duke Ellington at 4 p.m. on Sunday at the UAA Arts Building recital hall. The band includes Melissa Fischer doing six vocals and, we're told, it's a very sweet program. You can also catch Rick's trio at Sullivan's Steakhouse on Friday and Saturday nights. More information at At 7:30 p.m. that same night, the Anchorage Festival of Music will host three more prominent Alaska jazz artists -- Dan McElrath, Ray Booker and John Damberg -- in a program at the Anchorage Museum. Tickets for that event, $30, $20 for seniors and $10 for students, will include refreshments during intermission. Make reservations at

Family portrait

Two sisters, separated by World War II, struggle to understand each other in Barbara Lebow's touching, powerful and often humorous drama, "A Shayna Maidel." Anchorage Community Theatre's production features Shane Mitchell, Karina Becker, AnnaKate Williams, Billy Worthy, Heather Sawyer and Chloe Cotton. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sundays through Feb. 17 at ACT's studio theater, 1133 E. 70th Ave. Tickets, $11-$15, are available by calling 868-4913 or at

Koot's gets even classier

Chilkoot Charlie's will be the site of the latest creative space for local artists -- and we're not talking about the no-glass margaritas at the bar. The Art Bar will be a free venue available for art events on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. Ron Holmstrom will host the open house with a team to describe the possibilities and tell you how you can use the place, 7 p.m. Sunday. Anyone who's lived in Anchorage for more than 15 minutes will know where to find Chilkoot Charlie's, but we'll tell you anyway: 2435 Spenard Road.

Compiled by arts reporter Mike Dunham