
UAA chancellor announces retirement

University of Alaska Anchorage Chancellor Tom Case announced Wednesday that he will retire at the end of June.

Case, 70, previously served as dean of UAA's College of Business and Public Policy after he retired from the Air Force as a lieutenant general. He later worked as the president and chief operating officer of the state-owned Alaska Aerospace Corp. for three years, returning to UAA as chancellor in 2011.

"Tom has done a superb job," UA President Jim Johnsen said in an interview Wednesday.

Johnsen said Sam Gingerich, UAA executive vice chancellor and provost, will serve as the interim chancellor at the Anchorage university. A committee will be formed to lead the search for Case's replacement, he said.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks has been without a permanent chancellor since 2015.

Johnsen said he felt confident the search for an Anchorage chancellor would yield a strong leader based on the pool of candidates interested in the UAF position.

Johnsen said he hoped to have a new chancellor at UAF by the start of fall semester. The timeline for the UAA search had not yet been finalized, he said.

Tegan Hanlon

Tegan Hanlon was a reporter for the Anchorage Daily News between 2013 and 2019. She now reports for Alaska Public Media.