Crime & Courts

Anchorage massage therapist indicted on sexual assault charges

A grand jury indicted an Anchorage massage therapist on multiple sexual assault charges Wednesday.

State prosecutors said in a statement that Jason Karpinski, 36, used social media to contact hundreds of women and that the charges stem from “in-home and in-office massages” he offered “under the guise of his business.”

Karpinski was indicted on two counts of first-degree sexual assault and eight counts of second-degree sexual assault, with sentences of up to 99 years for each charge if he is convicted, according to the Alaska Department of Law.

Last month, Anchorage police said they arrested Karpinski on a warrant for four charges of second-degree sexual assault after detectives started investigating a report that he assaulted someone in September. After his arrest, police said there may have been more victims.

Karpinski’s massage license was surrendered to the state, police said in March.

He is being held on a $5,000 cash performance bond, and his arraignment on the charges laid out in the indictment is scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday in Anchorage Superior Court, according to state prosecutors.