Alaska News

Rodell starts work as new Permanent Fund CEO

JUNEAU -- New Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. Executive Director Angela Rodell has begun work with a salary of $290,000 a year, said spokesperson Laura Achee. The new salary represents a raise from last year of about $140,000, when she was a state commissioner in then-Gov. Sean Parnell's Cabinet.

Rodell's Permanent Fund salary is significantly below the $355,000 paid to Mike Burns, who served as the fund's executive director from 2004 until earlier this year.

Rodell was selected by the corporation's board of trustees as the fund's new executive director Oct. 9, pending an agreement on salary. She began work as executive director Oct. 28, Achee said.

When Rodell was commissioner of the Alaska Department of Revenue, she served as a member of the board of trustees. Her compensation in 2014 was about $151,000 a year.

Prior to coming to Alaska, Rodell worked for the investment bank FirstSouthwest in New York, along with other positions in the financial industry. Following her service as commissioner she worked as a consultant for the state Senate Finance Committee. She is a Juneau resident.

As executive director, Rodell will be among the highest-paid employees in state government, but the executive director isn't typically even the highest-paid Permanent Fund employee. That's been the fund's chief investment officer.

That position has been vacant since the recent departure of former Jay Willoughby, and filling the position will be one of Rodell's first tasks. Willoughby made $393,000 last year.