Alaska News

Planned shooting range needs more public input

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources is accepting public comments until 5 p.m. today on a site easement for a shooting range planned between Mud and Jim lakes within the Knik River Public Use Area near Palmer.

The range will be located along the Maud Road extension, on a site just upland of two lakes and associated wetlands.

The topography on the north side of the proposed range is very steep so even when the range is only partly occupied there will be significant echoing and noise pollution.

According to DNR staff, the existence or location of the range is not up for discussion since the management plan for the area is already in effect, and it went through a public process. In the planning stage, however, there was not a "no shooting range" alternative.

Also according to DNR staff, there simply were not many choices for shooting range sites.

Maybe then it is just a poor idea for a public use area! It appears that the project will proceed, however, with a goal to complete work this spring.

At this time there is little information to comment on. The site easement notice put out by DNR gives few particulars.


The coastal management review project description states little more than it will be a small-scale rifle range with berms, a covered firing line and shooting benches.

There is no information about operating hours, degree of supervision, best management practices for lead and other pollution and a lot of other things that should be considered before land clearing and construction. The range will not be staffed.

When I asked DNR about more specifics, I was told that the rules will be further developed as the project moves forward.

Environmental concerns will apparently be handled through the coastal management review process.

The coastal management review process, however, was not designed for impacts such as those from shooting ranges.

There will be residual lead, significant noise, additional vehicular traffic and other potential impacts. Have the potential effects of this range really been evaluated?

Sorry but these are guns and bullets that make a lot of noise, pollute, disturb wildlife and have enormous safety and aesthetic concerns for the other users of the public use area. The public needs more information. The current process is analogous to building a jungle gym on a playground and figuring out the rules after a few broken bones.

This site is very close to the recreational Rippy Trail. It also appears on the map to be approximately a quarter mile from Mud Lake and is in the midst of valuable fish and wildlife habitat.

To its credit DNR has tried to curb the use of the public use area as a giant shooting range, and there are new regulations in place for that purpose.

For an area that is mandated to be for public use and the continued protection of fish and wildlife, this is a positive step.

Does this mean we should now automatically accept a shooting range in a very public location, with limited knowledge as to how it will be constructed, managed and regulated?

Please take a moment to comment to DNR, your local legislators or others who may be able to work out a better solution

Information about the recreation area and the shooting range easement can be found on the Web site:

Lynn Fuller lives near Palmer.