Alaska News

Colberg gives his views on future of Mat-Su College

PALMER -- If given the job of directing Mat-Su College, Mat-Su Mayor Talis Colberg said he envisions staying in the position "until someone tells me I shouldn't be here" and helping the college grow from a mostly two-year institution to a more traditional campus where students can participate in a broad range of activities and earn four-year degrees.

"We are 14 percent of the state population. There is room (to expand the campus) and there is an argument to be made for getting attention here and developing our future," he said.

Colberg added that he doesn't see the transition from a two-year to a four-year institution as something that will happen quickly.

He said he would like to take part in the transition but recognizes it might take many years.

Colberg was preaching to an amenable choir.

An audience of about 20 gathered to hear Colberg share his vision for Mat-Su College on Monday.

The group included two past college directors, longtime college supporters and an array of faculty and adjunct professors.


Colberg has taught at the college since 1992 as an adjunct history professor.

He is one of four finalists for the position of Mat-Su College director.

The college plans a community open forum for each candidate, and Colberg's was the first up on Monday.

Other candidates will appear in forums scheduled over the next two weeks.

Bill Hogan, state commissioner of health and social services, is up next at a forum scheduled for 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday at Mat-Su College's cafe.

Forum attendees have the opportunity to hear each candidate's views on the college and its future and to submit comments evaluating the candidates' strengths and weaknesses.

Recently retired college director Dennis Clark said University of Alaska Anchorage Chancellor Fran Ulmer will ultimately decide which finalist wins the job.

Clark said Ulmer will review the forum comment forms as part of her decision making.

A final decision is expected later this summer, Clark said, and the new director should be in place by September, when the fall semester begins.

Clark is one of a six-member selection committee responsible for reviewing the list of director applicants.

The committee is tasked with evaluating not only each candidate's qualifications but how personable each is and whether he or she would be a good public representative of the campus.

Each finalist is going through a day and a half of interviews and meetings that include a campus tour, a meeting with Mat-Su College staff and faculty, a meeting with the selection committee and meetings with University of Alaska Anchorage deans and directors, provosts and Chancellor Ulmer.

Find Rindi White online at or call 352-6709.