
North Anchorage Assembly candidate Q&A: Why are you running?

The Anchorage Daily News asked Anchorage Assembly candidates for District 1, North Anchorage to answer a series of issue questions. Read all of them here.

Why are you running?

Cliff Baker

I believe we need to bring empathy back into government; the Assembly and the administration need to work together for the municipality.

Rob Forbes

It is time for a change. It is time for a new generation and style of leadership. It is time for partisan politics be out of our Assembly. I will bring that change. I hold no party affiliation. I do not identify with any specific platform. I am an issues voter like many of you and I understand how complex we are as humans - as a part of an already complex societal system. We have determined somehow that our government should function in a bipolar duopoly where the middle ground is no longer acceptable and an allegiance to one side or the other is what is necessary to get the financial and volunteer backing needed to be granted a seat in office. But why? I promise each and every voter this one very important thing: I will listen to you in-person or at Assembly meetings, my door and inbox will always be open. I will set aside any of my own personal beliefs to represent you with only one simple goal in mind: to ensure we are making Anchorage a better place for all.

Tasha Hotch

I want to create better access to government for working families that don’t have the time to attend Assembly meetings. I also believe that our government should reflect the diversity of the community.


Robin Phillips

Twenty years ago Anchorage was awarded the title of All American City. This prestigious award is given to cities that centralize civic engagement as a method of resolving local concerns. The Municipality of Anchorage is responsible for the education, transportation and protection of its citizens. I am running to promote the connections between the Assembly, between the business community and between private citizens. By building stronger communication ties and and making city services more accessible we can create an environment that is beneficial for both business and the individual. Taking action on community concerns like homelessness and on big budget items like the repair of the Port of Alaska will enhance personal and economic security. I am excited about the opportunities and willing to accept the challenges.

Stephanie Taylor

I am running because the Anchorage Assembly needs public servants, not political servants. Anchorage is my hometown. I grew up here and my husband and I have made Anchorage our home, raising our family here. Having momentum from my last Assembly campaign, I felt compelled to step into this opportunity to serve my neighbors and, ultimately, serve my hometown. I want to help restore balance and common sense to the Assembly.

Daniel Volland

As a homeowner and small business owner, my investment in our city’s economic growth is personal, just as it is for you. As a health care provider, I want my patients and fellow Anchorage residents to enjoy thriving and safe neighborhoods with a healthy quality of life that is unsurpassed. I want Anchorage to be a place of opportunity for all, where working people can prosper. I care deeply about my community. I believe passionately that despite the challenges we face, our best days can be ahead of us, provided we have thoughtful leadership.