
Anchorage mayor candidate Q&As: What in your background or experience sets you apart from the other candidates and makes you suited to be an effective mayor of Anchorage?

In advance of the April 6 Anchorage municipal election, the Anchorage Daily News asked candidates running for mayor a series of issue questions. These include questions suggested by readers. Read all the mayor and school board candidates’ responses here.

Q: What in your background or experience sets you apart from the other candidates and makes you suited to be an effective mayor of Anchorage?

Anna Anthony

I respect individual autonomy and have a hatred of politics. I have a young family, which will hopefully grow, and I’m very interested in Anchorage staying a family friendly city.

Dave Bronson

I know how to build and lead teams, and it will take an exceptional team to bring Anchorage back to prosperity. With over 24 years of military experience, retiring as a Lt. Col., I have managed small teams and led organizations with over 200 people. While serving in the Air Force, the Air Force Reserve, and the Alaska Air National Guard and the airlines, I have worked under both great and not-so-great leaders, and I know the difference. All of this leadership experience makes me well-suited to understanding the importance of establishing a vision, setting goals, and working as a team.

Jeffrey Brown

State House run in 2000/anti-corruption candidate. I ran against the man who sponsored a bill that stripped half the contributions to the Permanent Fund, now crippling Alaska in unprecedented times. I spoke out as they stripped revenue-sharing from the cities. I met with the Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, pleading with him to investigate the Alyeska Pipeline oil transportation overcharges. Years of Bear Valley Community Council meetings and advocating to save Section 36 parkland. I am the people’s candidate.


Forrest Dunbar

I am the only candidate currently in office and actively doing the work needed to get Anchorage through this pandemic. I’m proud of the spirit of teamwork we have cultivated on the Assembly, including during my terms as chair. We must maintain that ethos of teamwork as we work to build a strong, inclusive, vibrant community. Beyond the policy work, I’ve spent years listening to residents from all political backgrounds and walks of life on our budget issues, climate change, and public safety concerns — I know the community and understand the complexity of the problems we face. As mayor, I will continue to listen and won’t be afraid to make the tough decisions needed to move our city forward toward an economically thriving future.

Bill Evans

I have worked as a police officer and as a management labor lawyer. As a former police officer I have a realistic understanding of what is required to address our crime problem, and as a labor lawyer I have the expertise to effectively manage our extensive labor relations. I served 13 years on the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Board. I was appointed by both Republicans and Democrats to various positions including the Municipal Employee Relations Board, the Municipal Transportation Commission and the State Mental Health Board. From 2014-2017 I represented South Anchorage and Turnagain Arm on the Anchorage Assembly. I have a track record of getting things accomplished in a respectful and reasonable manner.

Bill Falsey

I am the only candidate with significant executive management and local government experience. I most recently served as municipal manager, where I oversaw nine departments (police, fire, health, employee relations, traffic, transit, public works, maintenance and operations, project management and engineering); three utilities (AWWU, SWS, and ML&P); two enterprises (Port of Alaska and Merrill Field); and four offices (emergency management, transportation inspection, risk, and equal opportunity). My general-government reports comprised nearly 1500 FTEs. Before that, I was city attorney, where oversaw the civil law division, prosecutor’s office and administrative hearing office. I know the city; I know a how to build and lead successful teams; and I have a record of delivering real solutions.

Heather Herndon

Project management. From creating to pushing the job through until completion and then monitoring it while serving a term as mayor. Not needing a committee to investigate accounting and financial issues. Making decisions on findings in expedited manner to not harm our economy further.

George Martinez

Throughout my 25 years across the public and private sectors, I’ve gained an unparalleled depth of lived and policy experience spanning urban and rural communities. I understand what makes communities thrive and how to effectively deal with urban challenges and have already begun to bring some of these strategies to Anchorage. I am the only candidate with university, diplomatic and community development experience. I am also the only candidate who has served in the mayor’s office as the special assistant to the mayor for economic development, youth development, education and diversity from 2015 to 2019. I know firsthand the challenges, successes and opportunities our city faces and I am prepared to lead on Day One.

Mike Robbins

I started my first business when I was 17; I have started and run multiple types and sizes of companies. I have a solid background in working with people from all walks of life, political backgrounds and interests. I have the ability to learn quickly, to assess, to solve problems and to find solutions where none are readily visible. I have demonstrated leadership abilities and understand how to motivate individuals and teams. I have been in Alaska since 1975, I grew up here and I know the city. I am not a politician; I had no desire to be one. My only motive in running for office is to repair and replace the brokenness that has affected our city.

Albert Swank Jr.

Professional P.E. engineer. Performed planning, financing, development, design, project management and construction of approximately $18 billion of projects. These being in Alaska, US states, Canada and other Countries. Projects: Ports, Dams, Airports, Roads, Bridges, Utilities, Buildings and others. Managed staffs to 2,300, 54 years of business experience with my current Engineering and Scientific business started in 1980. I have worked for the City of Anchorage, Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) and the State of Alaska. I have performed extensive financing of projects, bond sales, contracts/procurement, accounting, taxation, legal actions, expert in contracts and claims litigation. I thus understand all workings of the MOA and the State.

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Read more questions:

Why are you running for mayor?

What in your background or experience sets you apart from the other candidates and makes you suited to be an effective mayor of Anchorage?


What’s the biggest challenge facing city government and how would you address it?

Describe how your administration would approach the coronavirus pandemic

What’s your assessment of how Anchorage’s city government has responded to the pandemic over the past year? What, if anything, would you have done differently?

What role should city government play in repairing economic damage to individuals, businesses and community organizations from the pandemic?

What’s your vision for downtown, and what specifically are your short-term and long-term plans for repairing damage from the past year?

Would you make changes to the Anchorage Police Department and policing policies? Why?

Is the Anchorage Police Department adequately staffed?

Do you support the bond issue on this spring’s municipal ballot that would fund public-safety technology upgrades, including body-worn and in-vehicle cameras for police officers? Explain.


Describe, with specifics, how you would expand and diversify Anchorage’s economy.

What’s your vision for Anchorage’s economy in the future?

Is taxation in Anchorage too high/about right/too low?

Do you have ideas for alternative sources of city revenue? Explain.

Are there city programs or services you would cut? Explain.

Are there city programs or services you would expand? Explain.

What’s your view of current Anchorage land-use plans? Would you push for changes?

Homelessness remains a persistent, significant problem in Anchorage. What specifically would you do differently from previous administrations?

Name a program dealing with homelessness in Anchorage that you believe is working

Discuss your commitment to transparency and openness in Anchorage municipal government. Do you have suggestions for improving either?

What’s your assessment of Anchorage’s transportation infrastructure? Do you have a plan to improve it? How?

Are there specific transportation projects you would initiate in the municipality if elected?


The past year has been marked by increasing civic discord in Anchorage. What would you do to reduce frustration, distrust and anger that increasingly has characterized civic conversation?

What other important issue would you like to discuss?