
Republican Mike Robbins joins 2021 Anchorage mayoral race

Another candidate has joined the already-crowded race to be Anchorage’s next mayor.

Mike Robbins, a businessman and Republican House District 26 Chairman, filed his letter of intent with the state Thursday. According to his campaign website, Robbins is a longtime fiscal conservative Republican who has lived in Anchorage for nearly 45 years.

Nine candidates have now filed for the office, which will be decided in an April 6 election. Two other candidates filed a letter of intent to run in the Anchorage election, but did not say what office they are seeking. Mayor Ethan Berkowitz has termed out and cannot seek reelection.

Official filing with the city opens Jan. 15 and closes Jan. 29. The election is April 6, with mail-in voting starting in March. The election is technically nonpartisan.

In a written statement announcing his candidacy, Robbins is described as a “faith-centered, pro-law-enforcement, pro-business, pro-military, pro-people candidate who will work tirelessly to bring Anchorage back into prosperity.”

“Our city is in dire straits,” Robbins said in the release. “A government and its leadership shouldn’t ask for forgiveness, but rather for permission from its citizenry. It’s time Anchorage residents are put first.”

Robbins’ campaign team is led by former Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell and former South Anchorage Sen. Lesil McGuire. His campaign manager is Brian Mentzer, former CEO of Anchorage Fracture and Orthopedic Clinic.


Robbins’ announcement comes about two weeks after Municipal Manager Bill Falsey announced his intent to run, joining a field that also includes Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar and former assemblymen Bill Evans and Eric Croft.

The 2021 run is Robbins’ first attempt at public office.

Aubrey Wieber

Aubrey Wieber covers Anchorage city government, politics and general assignments for the Daily News. He previously covered the Oregon Legislature for the Salem Reporter, was a reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune and Bend Bulletin, and was a reporter and editor at the Post Register in Idaho Falls. Contact him at