Alaska News

Ben Mallott named new president of Alaska Federation of Natives

The state’s most prominent Alaska Native organization has named Ben Mallott as its new president.

The Alaska Federation of Natives announced Mallott’s selection in a statement Friday afternoon. Mallott has been with AFN for 11 years and currently serves as the organization’s vice president of external affairs.

He will replace longtime AFN president Julie Kitka, who is stepping down later this year after leading the organization for decades.

“We were fortunate to receive applications from strong and impressive candidates,” Board Co-Chair Joe Nelson said in AFN’s statement. “This enabled the board of directors to select a person who is well aligned with AFN’s mission and values. Ben understands AFN’s diversity and has demonstrated steady leadership within the organization for many years.”

Mallott, son of the late former Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, is also a board member for the Alaska Native Heritage Center, the Alaska Humanities Forum and The Nature Conservancy Alaska, among other organizations. He has also served as a legislative assistant for U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski for Alaska Native and Indian affairs.

In her own statement Friday, Murkowski thanked Kitka for her years of service and said she looks forward to continuing her partnership with AFN.

“During Ben’s tenure in my office in DC, he worked diligently to improve the livelihoods of Alaska Native communities across the state,” Murkowski said. “His empathy, dedication, cultural values, and understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing Alaska Native communities make him an ideal candidate for the job. I have no doubt that he will excel in this new role.”


Mallott will begin assuming the role of president in August, Board Co-Chair Ana Hoffman said in AFN’s statement, and he will overlap with Kitka through October. AFN said that Kitka will be the keynote speaker at the organization’s annual convention Oct. 17-19 in Anchorage, “an occasion that will celebrate her outstanding legacy.”

“I am deeply honored to step into this role,” Mallott said in AFN’s statement. “I look forward to working closely with all our communities to advocate for a strong future together. I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to outgoing President Julie Kitka for her outstanding leadership and dedication. I look forward to building upon the solid foundation she’s laid over her decades of service to our communities.”