Alaska News

Here’s your yearly reminder, Alaskans — Friday is the last day you can file for your PFD

The last day to file for your 2023 Alaska Permanent Fund dividend is Friday, March 31.

Online filers have until 11:59 p.m. Alaska time on Friday to turn in their application, while mailed applications need to be postmarked no later than March 31.

You can also submit your application at PFD offices in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau until Friday. Those offices will be open this week from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

As of Tuesday, more than 569,000 Alaskans had already applied for the dividend, according to the Alaska Department of Revenue.

To be eligible for the 2023 PFD, Alaskans must have been a resident of the state for all of 2022. More details on eligibility are available on the Department of Revenue website.

[IRS says it won’t tax $662 energy relief payment Alaskans received last year along with PFD]

Legislators have debated the size of Permanent Fund dividend through the budget-making process since 2017. The exact dollar amount, which depends on how many Alaskans file for the check, is typically announced in September.


Last year’s check included a one-time energy relief payment of $662, adding up to $3,284. It was the largest dividend in state history, or the sixth-largest adjusted for inflation. This year’s PFD amount is still under discussion in Juneau, but recent state revenue projections suggest it’s likely to be smaller.