Alaska News

Alaska is full of quirks, wonders and curiosities. What do you want to know more about?

We live in a vast state that comes with a distinctive set of quirks, challenges, wonders and curiosities. In our Curious Alaska series, we’ve set out to answer your questions about why things are the way they are. We want to know: What have you always been curious about? What do you think we should dig into deeper?

We’ve fielded inquiries about everything from bigger-picture topics to public figures to landmarks. And we’ve answered questions about everyday life and the kinds of only-in-Alaska things that make this place so unique.

Some examples: Why do Alaskans call it a snowmachine instead of a snowmobile? Are there snakes here? Why don’t we have a Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods or Ikea? What’s up with Alaska’s remote island cattle herds? Why aren’t there billboards in the state?

... and many more.

Nothing is off limits. We’ll regularly choose a reader question and try our best to answer it — send yours using the form below. (Having trouble seeing the form? Try here.)