Alaska News

Tracking COVID-19 in Alaska: 93 cases and no deaths reported Monday

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Alaska on Monday reported 93 new coronavirus infections identified over the weekend and no new deaths, according to the state Department of Health and Social Services. The health department now updates its coronavirus dashboard on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Alaska’s average daily case counts have been trending down significantly statewide, and the state’s current statewide alert level is low.

By Monday, roughly 54% of the state’s population age 12 and older had received at least their first dose of the vaccine while 49% of residents 12 and older were considered fully vaccinated.

Also by Monday, there were 11 people with confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 hospitalized around the state, including four who are on ventilators.

No new deaths were reported over the weekend. In total, 366 Alaskans and seven nonresidents with COVID-19 have died since the pandemic reached the state last spring. Alaska’s death rate per capita remains among the lowest in the country, though the state’s size, health care system and other factors complicate national comparisons.

Eighty-six of the newly reported cases involved Alaskans, including 38 in Anchorage, nine in Hooper Bay, nine in Wasilla, four in North Pole, three in Eagle River, two in Juneau, two in Palmer, two in Sitka, two in Soldotna, two in Tok, two in Wrangell, and one each in Craig, Delta Junction, Homer, Kodiak, Metlakatla, Skagway, Willow, and smaller communities in the Bethel Census Area, the Chugach Census Area, the Mat-Su Borough and the Northwest Arctic Borough.

The other seven new cases involved nonresidents: three in Unalaska, one in Anchorage, one in Fairbanks, one in Kenai and one in Valdez.

— Annie Berman