Food and Drink

How Alaska Eats: Frisky biscuits, Crock-Pot stew and hot-sauce poached salmon

Newsletter #20: Frisky biscuits

My chickens won't come out of the coop this week. This happens the first few cold weeks every year. I'm not feeling it either, girls. What we need is something warm in the oven to take off the chill in the kitchen. And I've got just the thing: these delicious bacon-fat biscuits, inspired by a historic recipe and doctored with apple, white cheddar and rosemary.

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They'd probably go pretty great with what's in Maya Wilson's Crock-Pot this week: a lovely, comforting beef and barley stew that uses Alaska barley.

Meanwhile, Kim Sunee is dipping into her frozen salmon stash and poaching fish in olive oil and harissa. That's a Moroccan spice paste that you can find at New Sagaya and sometimes at Fred Meyer. You could also use Sriracha or gochujang. I'm going to try it with some nice Calrose rice this weekend.

For the baking nerds out there, here's an Alaska-themed episode of Preheated Podcast where hosts bake Maya's pretzels and I talk about the funky way we bake up here.

[Explore more Alaska recipes here.]


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You will like this column by Steve Meyer about the fine art of camp cooking. My favorite line: "…good hunting camp chili recipe is like your PIN number, you must never give it up."

Here's hoping your biscuits are buttered. (Here's something to get you in the mood.)


Julia O'Malley

Anchorage-based Julia O'Malley is a former ADN reporter, columnist and editor. She received a James Beard national food writing award in 2018, and a collection of her work, "The Whale and the Cupcake: Stories of Subsistence, Longing, and Community in Alaska," was published in 2019. She's currently a guest curator at the Anchorage Museum.