Alaska Beat

Kodiak cop is ready for German prime-time

According to the Kodiak Daily Mirror (in what is certainly the longest report Alaska Beat has ever read about a police officer who's poised to become a sex symbol on German television), the life and times of Kodiak Police Department officer Roland Zeitler are about to be featured in two 30-minute episodes on a prime-time, nationwide television show in his native Germany. Camera crews followed Zeitler around his rounds on the overnight patrol shift in Kodiak as he dealt with domestic disturbances, sleeping vagabonds and, of course, disorderly drunks. The show's producers expect the viewing public will recieve Zeitler well, seeing as how "he's very, very good looking." At one point during Zeitler's rounds, the camera crew recorded female bar patrons giving him a hearty welcome, something the camera crew's director said would never happen in Germany. Read much, much more, here, but sorry folks, the Mirror didn't post an accompanying photograph.