Alaska News

High winds damage property in Unalaska

Storms with winds exceeding 75 mph caused significant damage around Dutch Harbor over the weekend.

According to the National Weather Service, a gust of 114 mph was recorded at 3:42 p.m. at the Dutch Harbor ASOS station. Winds above 75 mph were reported between 11:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Observers around Unalaska reported the following:

  • The Pac Steve Bunkhouse on the spit was evacuated when a wall was pushed in by the winds and collapsed. Cars parked near the bunkhouse had extensive damage.
  • Pieces of roof were seen blowing across the airport runway.
  • Several empty cargo containers near the dock were pushed over by wind.
  • Police additionally reported a storage shed flipped upside down, a six-foot satellite dish torn apart by wind, several stop signs blown down, Dumpsters overturned and several small boats in the harbor damaged.

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