Alaska News

Canada goose attack results in broken leg

With Canada geese now nesting all around Alaska's largest city,

Anchorage residents might want to be on the alert. Moose and bears aren't the only "Big Wild Life" that can pose a threat to personal safety, as a man in rural England discovered this past week. According to The Telegraph, Jan Pieniazek was gathering feed for a friend's chickens in a rural pasture, and when accosted by a nest-defending Canada goose, he suffered a wicked leg fracture in the resulting four-wheeler accident. "The male always flaps his wings and hisses to protect the nest but on this occasion, he followed me all the way around the lake," the man said. "Out of the blue he then landed on my head when I got on the quad and I drove straight into a tree." Read more, here.

Craig Medred

Craig Medred is a former writer for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News. He left the ADN in 2015.