Letters to the Editor

Letter: Vote for Bronson

Anchorage will be in deep trouble if Suzanne LaFrance is elected mayor. Look who is supporting her — the unions, Democrats, Planned Parenthood and all those who want Anchorage to continue slipping into a far-left liberal city.

There will be no checks and balances with city government.

The public will have no input and LaFrance and the Assembly will work hand in hand on every issue. The Assembly’s plan to fast-track zoning changes without public input would be a done deal under LaFrance. Same with those $500,000 per-piece bathrooms the city wanted. Unions would get whatever pay raises they desired.

The majority of registered voters have given up on Anchorage, with roughly 70% not caring enough to take the time to vote in the mayor’s race. Please don’t let Anchorage become San Francisco North under the LaFrance administration. Dave Bronson is the only person who can save Anchorage from that happening.

— Richard Rhyner


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