Letters to the Editor

Letter: Repay unconstitutional spending

Let me get this straight. Ten years ago, then-Sen.

Mike Dunleavy slipped some wording (that he verbally admitted was not in accordance with the constitution) into a bill that would allow school allotments to correspondence students to be used to pay for private and religious schools as well as other items like power tools and greenhouses.

So for 10 years, Dunleavy’s cronies — a “special interest” group?

— have been cashing in on this scheme that was admittedly not in accordance with the constitution. How did this happen? Where were our checks and balances? Why hasn’t there been an investigation?

How much money was spent on items/school fees that should not have been allowed? And who should pay this money back?

I say it should be Dunleavy, since he knowingly added a clause that was against the Alaska Constitution. Is this the person we want to lead our state? Shame!

— Judith Green



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