Visual Stories

Video: Fat-tire biking from McGrath to Anchorage on the Iditarod Trail

Alaska photographer and filmmaker Luc Mehl and eight friends decided to ride fat-tire bikes from McGrath to Anchorage. Growing up in McGrath, Mehl never imaged he'd one day ride a bike all the way to Anchorage, but with the lack of snow this winter it seemed like the perfect conditions for a cycling adventure. The group was welcomed to re-supply their water along the Iditarod Trail Invitational by organizer Kathi Merchant. They traveled on packed snowmachine trails up the Kuskokwim, past Big River and to Nikolai, according to Mehl's blog. "All of the terrain was familiar to me, flat tundra, black spruce, white spruce, birch stands, marshes, and huge meanders in the Kuskokwim," says Mehl.