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Honoring Alaska's fallen police officers

Alaska State Troopers Sgt. Mike Roberts joined officers from various agencies at the State Crime Detection Laboratory for a Police Memorial Day ceremony on Friday, May 6, 2016. Roberts was a colleague and friend of Trooper Gabe Rich and Sgt. Patrick "Scott" Johnson, who were both killed while trying to arrest a suspect in Tanana on May 1, 2014.

Roberts, who spoke at the ceremony, says that on May 1 in the years since, a group of troopers have gathered in Fairbanks to spend time together, going bowling, having barbecues and sharing stories of about the men who died. "I think that we best honor their memory by living well, by being happy, by enjoying each other and by having a positive interaction with one another," Roberts said. "Otherwise, the circumstances or the people that took our loved ones from us are controlling the situation, and that's not healthy."

Sixty-seven officers who died in the line of duty, dating back to 1867, were honored at the ceremony Friday.

Listen to Roberts describe the gathering and explain why he feels it's the best way to honor the memory of his friends.