Alaska News

More hybrid 'grolar' bears seen in Northwest Territories

According to CBC News, three more hybrid grizzly-polar bears -- "grolar" or "pizzly" bears -- have been recorded in Canada's Northwest Territories.

The newly reported specimens, three individuals described as a family unit, were hunted near Ulukhaktok, a village of about 400 in the northeastern corner of the territory on Victoria Island.

Robert Kuptana, a local resident, describes the bears to CBC:

The first confirmed hybrid bear was shot in 2006, but Kuptana said they're becoming more frequent in his area as grizzly bears have begun to follow caribou herds farther north.

Read more, here, and still more from the Toronto Star, here.

Craig Medred

Craig Medred is a former writer for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News. He left the ADN in 2015.