
Prep pucks: Dimond takes 3rd place, West Valley 4th

Dimond 1, Eagle River 0

Gunner Morgan's first-period goal stood up for Dimond, which beat fellow Cook Inlet Conference member Eagle River on Saturday to claim third place among large schools at the First National Cup state hockey tournament in Wasilla.

Morgan scored deep into the first period off helpers from Ryan Perius and Shawn Mitchell.

Chris Gardeline stopped 14 shots to earn the shutout for the Lynx.

Trent Burnham made 26 saves for the Wolves, who finished fifth in their first appearance at the state tournament.

West Valley 7, Colony 0

Gabe Rankin and Caleb Moretz each delivered hat tricks to spark West Valley of Fairbanks to victory over Colony and fourth place in the eight-team tournament.

Rankin added three assists and Moretz one assist, and Lane Wood racked the shutout with 27 saves.

Stoshie Skorulski added three assists for the Wolfpack, who also received a goal from Dylan Savereide.

Colony finished in sixth place.