Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Dec. 31, 2015

Superb commentary on climate change

Thank you for a great, responsible publication, "Alaska must look out for itself on climate change" (Dec. 27).

You are doing all the correct actions as a newspaper and as a state. You set an example that other regions could follow.

— Richard Pauli


Will Condon's passing great loss

With Will Condon's passing Alaska has lost a giant of exemplary public service. Stories of Will's abilities are legion.

My personal favorite occurred in 1973 during the tough negotiations between the state and the oil industry over the trans-Alaska pipeline system right of way.


During a break in negotiations Will had remained in the conference room and was in animated discussion with two industry attorneys across the table. A group of us were talking just outside the door when another industry attorney in the group looked up and into the conference room. He immediately headed into the room with the comment, "Excuse me. I have to go back in and even up the odds."

— Michael C. T. Smith


Success in 'Making of a Mother'

I would like to tell you what a wonderful job Michelle Theriault Boots did on her series "The Making of a Mother." Michelle told a story that made me feel like I was there and I found myself looking forward to reading the next part each day. It was beautifully written and I would love to see more articles/series like this.

— Nicole Harper


Trick creates firearm registry

I noticed in today's (Dec. 29) Dispatch News the president plans on issuing an executive order requiring anyone engaged "in the business" of selling guns to do a federal background check for each transaction. Considering "business" means acquiring goods for either money or receiving a service ensures virtually all firearms transfers will be affected.

Because, as most people should already know, the only way to effectively remove information from a computer is by completely overwriting or physically destroying the hard drive, a step hard to imagine the government taking, the president will effectively establish a national firearm registry because the information can be pulled up in the future. Neat trick!

— Bill Watson


World will need 'bridge fuel'

Economist Tom Sanzillo (Dec. 22), responding to Tim Bradner's commentary on the potential role of coal in Alaska's energy future, berated Bradner for saying anything positive about coal. While we've all heard what a horrible polluter coal is as utilized over the past century. One of Bradner's discussion points was the new cutting edge technology allowing underground coal gasification, a process that, we are told, would involve little if any terrestrial disturbance or aerial pollution while providing a new source of natural gas.

Most energy professionals recognize that the age of fossil fuel use is starting to draw to a close … that much of the world is in the process of agreeing to decarbonize the global economy … but this is not going to happen overnight. Both Alaska and much of the rest of the world will need a 'bridge fuel' as they move away from coal and oil-fired electrical generation, heating and transportation fuels. Kate Troll, who serves on the State Advisory Board on Climate Change, in her Dec. 28 commentary, states that natural gas will probably be an important bridge fuel. Doesn't sound like underground coal gasification should be dismissed so offhandedly.

— Jim Lieb



Greed at fore of steady gas price

It is interesting that several months ago, local gasoline prices fell concomitant with lower oil prices. Remarkably, oil prices continued to fall, but the price we pay for gas hit a level and has remained thus. Appears some greed may have come to the fore.

What? Are politicians now also in charge of pricing our gas?

— Ken Smith (the Candyman)


The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.