Crime & Courts

Ditch-diving driver crashes near troopers, gets DUI charge

Alaska State Troopers at the scene of a Fairbanks collision Sunday night didn't have to go far to arrest a man for driving drunk; he twice crashed his pickup not far from an unrelated collision, while they were investigation that crash, troopers said.

In a dispatch late Sunday, troopers said they'd responded to the first crash at about 8:45 p.m., when a vehicle with 31-year-old Fairbanks resident David Sweat at the wheel began driving erratically.

"(N)ear the crash scene a truck drove into the ditch, exited and drove back into the ditch ultimately getting stuck the second time," troopers wrote.

Sweat was subsequently arrested on one count of DUI. An Alaska inmate database showed him in custody at the Fairbanks Correctional Center early Monday.