Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Dec. 15, 2015

Trump is not qualified

to be a presidential candidate

Trump's solutions:

1. Stop Muslims from coming into country. How? Ask if they are Muslim. We all know a Islamic terrorist tells the truth. How's that ad go? "Because that's what they do."

2. Make America safer — create more enemies and reduce allies. That certainly makes it safer.

3. Make America more safe — eliminate Muslims. Wait, more mass massacres around the U.S. are done by not by Muslim terrorists but by homegrown people. Given Trump logic, shouldn't we also deport these people, their families and anyone related?

Trump has not been truthful, is ruthless and relentless. Every time he starts to go down in polls he comes up with another outrageous statement that attracts some people. He is not informed and unaware of the real dangers he is creating for America. He is not qualified to be a presidential candidate.

— Kathie Wolf



Not an America hater

Hmm ... I admit being somewhat taken aback by Terry L. Chamber's little tantrum (Letters, Dec. 11). I cordially invite him to identify one falsehood in my previous letter to the editor. But it's perhaps more useful to address his accusations directly:

(1) I don't "hate whites" — I am white

(2) I don't "hate Jews" — my maternal great-grandfather was a Syrian Jewish immigrant

(3) I don't "hate Christians" — my mom is a Christian. And French.

(4) I don't "hate America" — my DD214 says "honorable discharge," not "America hater"

(5) I don't "hate stray cats" — I rescued the youngest of my two cats as a tiny stray kitten from a dilapidated abandoned house on Popof Island in 2004

(6) I don't hate any "race" — I, my wife, children and grandchildren represent an admixture of English, Scottish, Jamaican, Spaniard, Syrian, Fijian, West African, French, Puerto Rican, Italian, German and Welsh

(7) I don't hate "the west" — my religion is one of three major faiths to arise out of western Asia

(8) I don't hate ... eh. I really DON'T like France very much. Hey, nobody's perfect.

— Al-Hajj Frederick H. Minshall


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