Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Dec. 10, 2015

Go bold with ‘wild’ on the label

I agree totally that it is outrageous people are not notified that salmon is genetically modified. To retaliate let's include in our label "Alaska Wild Salmon" NOT GM — five letters I'd look for!

— Kathie Wolf


Terror doesn't represent Islam

After a terrorist attack, Muslims are often heard to say, "This had nothing to do with Islam." Yes of course, terrorism is not prescribed by Islam, which is a religion of peace (at least as much as Christianity is).

But on the other hand, terrorism clearly springs out of Islamic culture, out of Islamic societies, out of Muslims flaunting (perhaps in fear of losing) their Islamic identity.

So the vast majority of peaceful Muslims need to address that reality too. We need their help in making it clear — especially to their young men — that terrorism is no way to represent Islam in the world, and that life is better than suicide.


— Rick Wicks


Stay armed while enemy plots

Ann Kimball's Dec. 6 letter shows that she should get her head out of fantasyland. The enemy we are facing has no regard for life or law. They are cowards hiding behind a veil and our exceedingly liberal press is feeding them exactly what they want. They are continuing their terror because our featherweight leaders refuse to crush them. Instead, we get the same recycled call for more gun control.

The enemy would like nothing more than to attack an unprotected society, which is what you're proposing in your letter to "Johnny and Suzy." The truth is, "Johnny and Suzy" are not safe because our government is more concerned with mommy and daddy not being able to defend themselves against a very real threat than they are with exterminating that very threat. We need protection from the cause of these tragedies, not from ourselves.

— Dawn DiSanto


Gun laws? We have plenty

This is in response to Rosa Meehan's commentary on gun laws along with all the liberals out there who keep on trying to get more gun laws passed.

We already have gun laws — more than enough of them. We just have people who don't enforce them. That's where our problem lies. Enforce the laws already on the books, don't create new ones.

— Jason Karpinski


Historic decision is welcome

In January 1972, just hours before the birth of my son, I was among 700 citizens at an AMATS hearing in the old Sydney Laurence Theater. I testified against the proposed "Tidewater Freeway." About

30 people testified in opposition; none in favor. Jack Spake, highway engineer, opined if 30 people were against the freeway, then 670 must be in favor. Engineer logic?

Today that freeway is the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail.

It is no small group in the neighborhood opposing the extension of Bragaw-Elmore. Two previous UAA chancellors held out in opposition for a dozen years. Board members and staff of APM have voiced opposition for years. Only the behemoth Providence Hospital (Sisters of Perpetual Construction) and cash-strapped APU favor the extension. Safety has been argued. But the rehabilitation of UAA Drive has alleviated that issue.


A bigger concern is the development plan of APU, not for classrooms and other education-related facilities, but for commercial use, restaurants and office buildings. A road restricted to 30 mph. Yeah, sure. Anchorage would lose one of the last places where you can ski and bike close to town.

Many, many thanks to Helen Nienheuser for energy, diligence and values. And thanks to Mayor B as well.

— Heather Flynn


The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.