Alaska News

Sen. Lisa Murkowski announces re-election campaign

Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced in Anchorage Friday evening that she had filed the paperwork and officially launched her campaign for re-election to the U.S. Senate.

Murkowski, 58, sported a blue bracelet as she addressed a group of supporters crowded into Williwaw, a downtown restaurant and bar. The bracelets had helped voters spell Murkowski's name in the 2010 general election, which she won with a write-in campaign.

"We're not going to have to do that in 2016," Murkowski said. "We're going to do it the good, old-fashioned way. We're going to work hard every day. We're going to come together as Alaskans on the issues that we care most about, that make us who we are, that make us the great state of Alaska."

Murkowski said she would continue to fight the Environmental Protection Agency for a road to King Cove, as well as access to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and National Petroleum Reserve.

The crowd waved signs and chanted "Lisa!" after her remarks. Murkowski said she flew into Anchorage from Washington, D.C., Friday afternoon, went downtown and filed her paperwork for re-election. She has already amassed about $3 million for her campaign.

Tegan Hanlon

Tegan Hanlon was a reporter for the Anchorage Daily News between 2013 and 2019. She now reports for Alaska Public Media.