Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Oct. 24, 2015

Cruelty to animals not OK

I was very dismayed by the article on Scammon Bay and the treatment of the animals there. Two reputable teachers don’t lie about something like this to a newspaper. Being there for only a month does not change the facts. I have seen this in other villages that I have been to myself. Since when is it OK to have kids drag dogs to their death and throw puppies against rocks to kill them? What is this teaching the kids when parents think this behavior is OK? What will these children turn out to be as adults with this kind of mentality being allowed? Cruelty to animals is a crime and the mayor and city manager should be held responsible for allowing this to go on if this is true.

I witnessed in one of the villages that I lived in for two weeks a black Lab chained up with a heavy 5-foot chain around his neck so tight it left his neck raw and bleeding, cutting into his flesh and healing over and over again. He was left with drinking water laced with his own urine, fed only when someone felt the need. When I went to feed this dog, I was told not to waste my food on that stupid dog. It stayed in my mind forever to see someone do this to their so-called pet.

I am sure there are the innocent kids that get bit by stray dogs, but I have also seen the dogs being tormented by kids sticking sticks in their eyes, teasing them by hitting, kicking and throwing rocks to hurt them. Starvation for any animal is the worst kind of death. If this village needs help with its dog problems, then why not reach out as a community to try to solve this instead of allowing a horrible situation to continue?

— Patricia Wells

Eagle River

Drivers don't stop for bus

I have a safety concern. When I go to school in the morning, and also when my brother goes to school, we both wait for the bus on Lake Otis where the road is not separated by a median. I go to the bus at

6:45 a.m. and my brother goes at 8:30 a.m. When the bus comes, and it puts on its red lights, almost every morning a car doesn’t stop. I would like for all to know that not only is it unsafe, it is against the law. I am asking all drivers to please keep an eye out and stop for buses when they pick up students.

— Emily Organ


Happy Mole Day, UAA chemists

October 23 was a big day for all chemists. So today I want to congratulate all the students who completed their chemistry degrees over the past 36 years at UAA. All of you made my time at the university a wonderful and happy time in my life.

— John M. Kennish, Ph.D.

retired professor of chemistry


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