Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, July 10, 2015

Walker’s veto is right move

Gov. Walker's veto of $200 million in oil tax credits and initiation of an oil tax discussion reported by ADN are steps in the right direction for Alaskans for multiple reasons.

To Casey Sullivan of Caelus Energy Alaska and other companies who believe we Alaskans, should take responsibility for their business decisions, their successes and guarantee them security, I disagree.

After six days of dealing with atrial fibrillation under the excellent care of medical people at Soldotna, Providence and the Alaska Heart Institute, I should ask them for a guarantee of life? I don't think so.

Gov. Walker's veto of the state grant to Arctic Power and his looking at alternatives to speed up development to generate more oil for Alaskans are also positive steps in the right direction.

As a 41-year Alaskan who remembers Jay Hammond, I am grateful for the change in direction Alaskans have brought about by electing Gov. Walker-Lt. Gov. Byron Mallot. Thank you, Alaskans.

-- Hugh R. Hays



Army’s best asset, its troops, are sacrificed to politics

A good bit has been said and written about impending troop cuts. Understandably, this causes local economic concern. It should also raise our hackles a bit regarding the viability of our armed forces. The Defense Department budget is rife with needless spending -- tanks politicians want but the Army doesn't, planes built that go straight to the boneyard, far too many flag and general officers and plenty more examples of money spent in support of political expediency.

Back in 1961 President Eisenhower told us, "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex." Yep. The men and women that wear the uniform are the soul of our national security.

Cutting troop strength to meet budget shortfalls is just plain stupid -- period. Please send a note to our congressional delegation and let them know you want to see Congress and DOD retool the defense budget to emphasize "tip of the spear" manpower and material.

I spent 24-plus years in the U.S. Navy. From Vietnam to the early 1990s. I've seen this subject ebb and flow but it seems as though it's growing much worse. Think about what is going on around the world -- it's not gonna get fixed with talking or drones. They'll help but think about who we're dealing with. Thanks to the men and women who are serving or did so in the past -- I hope we've got your back.

-- James Mackin


Reckoning in the forecast

A woman on talk radio said climate change can't be a cause for concern because God controls everything. That's right. I never make mistakes, how about you? So what could possibly go wrong?

Noah's flood is reported to have been a response to human actions. What makes us think God won't punish us again if we're too greedy and pigheaded to stop destroying our planet?

-- Rick Wicks


All symbols are protected

The current furor concerning flags and history is beginning to become scary. Banning a symbol which some find unpleasant? Changing place names because the long-deceased donor is out of favor, or committed bad acts during his lifetime

We should recall the Nazi Germany of the 1930s, when books with "politically incorrect" themes, or by proscribed authors, were burned in bonfires in the streets. Or communist Russia, when the names of all the prominent cities and landmarks were changed to represent the "new" politics. Artworks by Jews were removed from display in Germany and Austria. Then, in both countries, history was slowly and subtly modified to reflect desired new viewpoints, rather than reality.

Should we change the name of our capitol to "Daniel Webster, D.C.," because Washington kept slaves? Should Jefferson, Missouri, become "Burnside, Missouri" -- or wait, Burnside may have had a black house servant. Should the flag which flew over troops at Wounded Knee, or Mai Lai, or the Philippines, be banned? Perhaps all coins and currency bearing images of people who held slaves should be withdrawn from circulation? And, maybe, their lives and accomplishments expunged from history books.

If the above makes sense, I would request all the things that offend me be removed from signs, talk shows, TV, and general public view. Those things include media profanity and open sex, images of silly people blowing pot smoke in my face, dirty talk from children, athletes making a joke out of modesty and good sportsmanship, and lying politicians.

And finally, I don't quite understand how freedom of speech allows burning the national flag, and artwork desecrating religious figures, but does not protect the display of a banner which has been in existence for a century and a half.

Mr. Roof stated the purpose of his evil action was to foment race riots; he has certainly done so symbolically, if not in fact.

-- Don Neal



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