Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, July 4, 2015

State and feds stomp on homeowners for bike path

The state and federal governments are big-footing all over a group of homeowners on the north side of Snug Harbor Road in Cooper Landing in order to put in a bike path. That path was originally supposed to be separated from the road, and to run along the south side where the land is mostly owned by the state and borough.

Now, late in the day, the plan has been changed to widen the road and run the path along both road shoulders, not only causing a lot of expense for a minimum number of bike riders and creating safety issues, but impacting a group of owners along the north side, most of whom learned the details of the project at the last moment and who feel they were threatened with substantial personal expense if they did not accede to the terms of the project. The state and federal government need to take another look at this proposal.

— Nina Cornett

Cooper Landing

It's time to take down the Confederate flag

We can love the soldier and still hate the war. Soldiers and the idea of soldiers are forever. The flags they stand and salute are like sand; their meaning or shape can change from generation to generation.

The battle flag of the South, at the least, represents a bad idea. And like many flags born into this world, it belongs in a museum and not associated with a government building.


Soldiers need the ground in which to lie and enough monuments and plaques that we never forget. But they do not need a reminder of a mistake.

— Dorrance Collins and Faith Myers


Zealotry not limited

We decry ISIS destruction of religious and historical monuments, yet we jump on the new politically correct bandwagon of removing all signs of the Confederacy. What's the difference? Both are justifying their actions by saying they are removing symbols that offend them. Both are trying to erase history. Both are zealots.

— Harry DeBruhl
