Aziz Ansari, aka the funniest person on the planet, just published "Modern Romance." It is filled with relatable laughs about love, but this isn't just a book of jokes. Ansari and his writing partner and sociologist Eric Klinenberg produced a research project, packed with interviews with real people around the world, behavioral data and input from leading social scientists.
In a recent interview with the "Today" show, Ansari gave three enlightened, but painfully obvious, pieces of modern dating advice: 1. Make your text messages interesting; 2. Make your first dates creative, and break out of the dinner-and-drinks "resume exchange"; 3. Consider giving someone a second shot if a first date isn't perfect. He notes, "It's kind of an epic mistake, I think, because people are amazing! People have so much more to show you than what they can show you in one session of drinks."
Here's Wayne and Wanda's take on the wisdom of Aziz …
Wayne says:
Slow your roll, Aziz. I'm the comedian around these parts!
But seriously folks, finally, someone who gets it! Communication is important. Good things can come from being out of your comfort zone. Not everyone hits a home run on the first at bat. Oh, and a bonus in the fine print -- if you aren't laughing and enjoying love, what's the point?
Duh, right? But life moves fast these days and dating moves even faster. We can get so caught up running in the race that we forget to appreciate the journey. I mean, Tinder exists! How urgent can you get? Swipe right or swipe left. She's 8 miles away. Hook up within an hour!
Now, there's nothing wrong with that, if that's what you're looking for. But for those seeking true romance, investing a little patience, work, imagination and time can lead to a big payoff. Heck, even slowing down to read the occasional book could help!
Wanda says:
Aziz offers interesting advice. Here's my take:
1. Make your text messages interesting? How about, limit text messages altogether. These days, so much of our communication is via electronic, voiceless, faceless, abbreviated, emoticonned, poorly punctuated blasts. The real deal is so much better. Pick up the phone every now and then and call your love interest.
2. Ansari advises: Make first dates creative, and break out of the dinner-and-drinks "resume exchange." Couldn't agree more. In an era of online dating, where we have often read our prospective mate's profile in advance, that first meet-up can feel like a painful job interview. "So, you don't like cats, huh?" "I see you drink 'occasionally.' Can you clarify?" My advice? As much as possible, go in unprepared. Avoid the pre-loading of bio info. The result could be surprising.
3. Consider giving someone a second shot if a first date isn't perfect? The key word is "consider." Just because he (or she) fell flat, don't slam the door. First dates are stressful -- agonizing, even. If you think there's a chance, why not invest a couple more hours? The payoff could be years of happiness.