Alaska News

Winter's coldest weather yet to hit Anchorage Sunday night

The coldest weather of the winter so far is expected to descend on Southcentral Alaska Sunday night, with temperatures hitting 25 below in some parts of East Anchorage, the National Weather Service said.

A mass of frigid air is "settling over the Cook Inlet region," the NWS said Sunday.

Temperatures below zero are predicted for all areas of Anchorage Sunday night, likely between 5 below and 10 below.

The Mat-Su Valley will record temperatures in a similar range.

In the Anchorage Bowl, the area around Campbell Creek Science Center and other inland spots near the mountains are expected to be coldest, said NWS forecaster Bill Ludwig.

Temperatures will warm slightly Monday and return to the teens and 20s by Thursday, Ludwig said.

Meanwhile, winter had also finally arrived in earnest elsewhere in the state -- temperatures were hovering around 30 below at the Fairbanks airport, in Interior Alaska, Sunday evening.