Alaska News

Alaska candidates hope for good news as vote counting resumes

JUNEAU, Alaska -- Alaska election officials were beginning to count thousands of outstanding ballots that will decide the U.S. Senate race.

Republican challenger Dan Sullivan led first-term Democratic Sen. Mark Begich by about 8,100 votes on election night last week. But about 50,000 absentee, questioned and early-voted ballots remained to be counted, starting Tuesday.

Begich is no stranger to come-from-behind wins. In 2008, Republican Sen. Ted Stevens led Begich by about 3,000 votes in a race Begich won about two weeks later by less than 4,000 votes.

The dynamics of that race, though, were different, with the election coming days after a jury found Stevens guilty in a federal corruption trial. The case was later tossed by a judge, prompting many Republicans to believe Begich's win was a fluke.

Republicans here, as in other states, made this race a referendum on President Barack Obama and Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid. They argue that Sullivan's lead is insurmountable. Begich, meanwhile, has said every vote should be counted.

While the race had been closely watched nationally because of its potential to help decide control of the Senate, that drama has been decided. The GOP has already picked up the seats it needs.

Also Tuesday, Alaskans hoped to get greater clarity on the governor's race. Incumbent Republican Gov. Sean Parnell trails independent candidate Bill Walker by about 3,000 votes.

Becky Bohrer, Associated Press

Becky Bohrer is a reporter for the Associated Press based in Juneau.