Ted Gianoutsos -- Non-affiliated
Office: U.S. Senate. Other candidates: Mark Begich (D), Mark Fish, (L), Dan Sullivan (R)
1. Why are you running for office?
I'm running for one term solely to open ANWR worth 2 trillion dollars in the most beneficial way for America, Alaska, and wildlife. I am uniquely qualified to do this. Please see www.tedandfran.com for details. My wife Francoise and I gave our estate to our country and thus founded the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. We got the Foundation's enabling legislation through a divided Congress to unanimous passage because we personified it. We can do the same thing with ANWR legislation.
2. Alaska has the highest rate of welfare recipients among all 50 states. What steps would you take to reduce that figure?
Opening ANWR and filling our 3/4ths empty pipeline is by far the most important economic development any candidate can do for Alaska! Nothing will reduce poverty and create more jobs than a pipeline full of ANWR oil that will also lead to a gas line and another oil pipeline as well. Neither Mark Begich nor Dan Sullivan together with their respective spouses personify winning ANWR legislation. My wife and I do! Indeed, Mark failed for 6 years to open ANWR, and Dan can't do it. I can and I will!
3. Alaskans often criticize federal overreach; at the same time, the federal government is as important as oil to the economy, supporting about one-third of the state's jobs and pumping billions of dollars annually into Alaska. Would you advocate more or less federal spending in Alaska? What programs would you reduce or increase to achieve your goal?
In terms of natural resources, Alaska has always been the richest state in America. The claim that Alaska needs federal money is a shameful lie used by self-serving politicians to keep Alaskans dependent on them for handouts to stay in office for as long as they can for themselves. Opening ANWR will ensure much more Alaska natural resource development and will eliminate the bogus rationale for federal appropriations. The major exception is military money that is crucial to America's security!
4. What are three bills you will introduce or three efforts you will undertake -- or some combination -- to improve the state's economy?
I will introduce my N.E.W.-N.E.T.-ANWR act (see website) It will vastly improve Alaska's economy and ensure Alaska's prosperity for many years! The only reason to vote for Dan is if he gives you his "Semper Fidelis" solemn word of honor that he will immediately introduce my ANWR legislation, bring my wife Francoise and me to Washington to personify it, and pull out the stops to pass it. Mark had this opportunity and has failed for 6 years to support his own constituents' ANWR efforts.
5. What are three bills you will introduce or three efforts you will undertake -- or some combination -- to address social issues in Alaska such as the high rates of suicide, sexual abuse and domestic violence?
My ANWR legislation will reduce poverty and increase prosperity providing more Alaska funding for all social programs including education, healthcare, and training. Alaska's rate of suicide, sexual abuse, and domestic violence are a stain on Alaska and on all of us Alaskans who do too little to overcome these afflictions. It takes more than money. It takes compassion, giving, and leadership by all of Alaska's leaders in all domains. I will continue to do my part.
6. What authority should Alaska Native tribes and villages have over civil and criminal justice matters, and what rights should they have to regulate hunting and fishing on native land?
Native Alaskans are Americans as well as Alaskans. It's impossible for them to return to their ancient aboriginal lifestyles. They cannot function effectively as equal Americans and Alaskans by having special civil and criminal justice and special hunting and fishing rights. Alaska's natural wildlife resources belong to all Alaskans and Americans -- and justice is a human right not a special native right. I'm of Greek heritage, and my wife French, but we are Americans first and Alaskans second.
7. What is your assessment of President Obama's foreign policy? What do you think is the United States' role in the world?
President Obama's foreign policy needs improvement. The Second World War dramatically changed world order. America is dominant in the world – militarily, economically, and culturally – as no other society has ever been in human history. With less than 5 percent of the world's excessive population and shrinking, the only way for America to keep its unique and much envied position is to maintain its strength as long as possible for the benefit of all present and future Americans.
8. Would you take steps to change or repeal the Affordable Care Act? What would the changes be? If you favor repeal, what would you replace it with?
Congress can and must do better for all Americans by putting their interests before those of medically-related special interests. If all tax-payer funded healthcare were suspended for all federal government employees in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches from the president on down until Congress got health care right for all Americans, it would certainly bring sufficient pressure to focus their legislative attention and they would succeed!
9. Should the United States have "boots on the ground" in the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Iraq? If not, what are the circumstances under which we should consider such action? And what other action should the U.S. take against Sunni militants in the Middle East?
These "militants" are fanatical Islamic terrorists committed to destroying America. Our country must use every means at our disposal to eradicate them by submitting them to retributive justice whenever and wherever we can overseas before they come here to harm Americans. Of course, the force we bring to bear on these terrorists and their supporters should include "boots on the ground" when necessary. We veterans have always paid the price to keep our country free and safe.
10. What role do human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases play in climate change?
Unfortunately, global warming/climate change is far more politically correct, self-serving, fear-mongering, fundraising hype than reality. The world's climate is far too complex for anyone to comprehend, much less explain. The vast majority of humans on the planet pay no attention to the relative handful of global warming scientists, politicians, media folks, and activists who have an interest in "sky-is-falling" hysteria. Life is simply too short for human induced global warming guilt.
11. What legislation currently in Congress comes closest to the policy you would advocate for dealing with climate change?
There is no really effective congressional policy on global warming/climate change that I would particularly advocate. My N.E.W.-N.E.T-ANWR act will create a National Energy Trust (N.E.T.) that will funnel many billions of ANWR federal government revenue dollars into making our fossil fuels more efficient as well as developing all alternative energy sources. This will greatly help reduce and/or replace our present emissions.
12. Coastal erosion is a serious issue in a number of rural Alaska villages, with discussions about relocating some communities. Do you believe this is appropriate or realistic? Explain.
Aboriginal Alaskans survived for thousands of years by relocating their communities whenever they needed to do so. In modern day Alaska as part of America, with village infrastructure and construction of modern design, it is all too often impractical and too expensive to relocate villages. That is the unfortunate truth of modern-day life. I wish it were otherwise, but it's not! Native Alaskans must accommodate themselves to this 21st century reality of life in American Alaska.
13. How important a priority is reducing the federal deficit? Explain.
We have managed to create money that has no real value and is tied to nothing except the perceived "good faith and trust of America". We print these dollars with utter abandon. We even digitally create them with "quantitive easement" -- an oxymoron if ever there was one! There is no longer any point to reducing a federal deficit that has no reality and is largely financed by the rest of the world, including our enemies.
14. If you had to give the current Congress a letter grade, A through F, what grade would you give and why?
Congress deserves an F for constant political bickering. The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is rhetorical. Unfortunately for America, that rhetorical difference for its own political sake has replaced common ground progress on all too many issues. There is currently far too much blah-blah and far too little constructive action. My election as a non-aligned senator will bring welcome change, especially if I'm the fortuitous balance point for Alaska on ANWR.
15. Should the U.S. tax code be simplified? Is it fair?
Simplified? Amen to that! Fair? Not hardly! Good luck in replacing our current accountant and tax-attorney tax-payer funded welfare bonanza with a simple and fair tax code. Way too many wealthy dollars pouring into every congressional pocket - except mine because I don't accept any donations from anyone for anything – for our humongous convoluted tax code to be replaced any time soon.
16. Name a specific federal environmental regulation you'd like to see rolled back, and why.
Keeping ANWR closed to responsible oil and gas production on the false supposition that it would harm wildlife and the environment when Prudhoe Bay has responsibly produced 17 billions of barrels of oil in the same ecosystem containing the same wildlife in the same environment is nonsense. All Alaska, even Anchorage with half of Alaska's population, is wild. My ANWR legislation will benefit America, Alaska, AND wildlife and the environment!
17. Name a federal environmental regulation that you think provides important protections for Alaskans.
There must be some, but I can't think of any off-hand. Indeed, there are many dealing with clean water, clean air, wildlife, wilderness, and natural resources both living and mineral. The important thing is to strike a common sense and common good balance between excessive preservation and responsible development. That balance is especially true in Alaska. My ANWR legislation will do exactly that if you elect me.
Age: 72
Occupation: ANWR-crusader
Current employer: self
Employment history:
-1950-54 Apprentice
-1954-61 Self-employed
-1961-65 Military service (volunteer)
-1965-present - Entrepreneur/philanthropist (various employment)
Note to Alaska voters: I don't mean to be flippant in my response to this question. I've worked hard for the past 64 years since I was 8 years old at many jobs but my employment skills are not the reason why anyone should vote for me. - my unique ability to open ANWR is!
Previous public offices held: None, I'm only going to serve one term in public office to do one good two-trillion-dollar deed for my country and state in accordance with the dictum of my former friend, senator, and president, - John F. Kennedy.
Previous unsuccessful runs for office:
-US Senate 2004
-Alaska Governor 2006
-US Senate 2008
-US Senate 2010
-US House 2012
All solely for one term to open ANWR, and I'll keep running until I succeed!
Postsecondary education: Boston University - BS in Business Administration - 1968
University of Southern California - MPA in Public Administration - 1978
Note: My wife Francoise is a lot better educated than I am, with one Bachelors, two Masters, and Doctorate degrees. We both paid for all six of our degrees by working two jobs each for many years, but all of our combined degrees are not a reason to vote for me - he fact that we as a unique 51-year team that can open ANWR is!
Military service: U.S. Air Force 1961-1965 Airman C-130 crew chief
Spouse's name: Francoise (51 years!)
Children: None
Alaska Dispatch News asked each candidate in the major races in Alaska this year to answer a series of written issue questions. Responses were limited to 500 characters.