Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Sept. 11, 2014

Carey’s comments disappointing

I almost always enjoy Paul Jenkins' absurd rants — his article Sunday about the changed gubernatorial election dynamics did not disappoint.

In contrast, I typically find the opinions of Michael Carey to be thoughtful and well-reasoned. Sunday was an exception. Mr. Carey criticizes recent comments by candidate Bill Walker regarding the governor's veto of SB108 — a bill addressing public access to court records. We must remember that Michael Carey is, first and foremost, a journalist dedicated to protecting access to sources of newsworthy information. I like journalists. I like electricians, engineers and teachers, too. But folks understandably argue for positions that are advantageous to their crafts or professions. Michael Carey's observations should be viewed in that context. If you managed to catch Carey's article Sunday, I hope you also took the time to read the more impartial analysis of SB108 offered by Sen. Fred Dyson on the opposite page.

— Ted Moninski


Electorate smarter than these ads

I loved how powerfully Mark Begich's TV ad appeals to class hatred. I can't wait to see what divisive hatred he appeals to next. If you can't run on the record, assume the electorate is stupid and run on emotion. So true, So true.

— David Cox



Nonpartisans rising above ideology

Is this bright red state becoming purple? Warren Keogh, Independent candidate for Senate Seat E, was painting Alaska purple even before the Walker-Mallott merger made national headlines. Keogh is a lifelong nonpartisan who, during his service on the Mat-Su Assembly, showed us he examines all sides of an issue without ideological bias to find a solution. It's what we need. We need people who, such as Bill Walker and Byron Mallott, can rise above partisanship and ideology to do what needs to be done.

Keogh is that kind of person. He is honest, fair, and thoughtful. He can be depended on, always, to put the good of the people of Alaska first.

— Judy Donegan


Quarterly Review must continue

I was shocked to hear that there is serious consideration being given to UAA's plan to phase out continuing to publish the Alaska Quarterly Review. This is a world-class journal with the highest accolades and praise from every corner of the literary world. I have to question the motives and validity of the in-house budget team that ranked AQR's value within the university system. It appears that the criteria used in the evaluation process was subjective and failed to consider cultural values that cannot always be quantified in dollars and cents.

I am of the opinion the process needs to be open to more than faculty and staff of UAA. I add my voice to the hundreds, if not thousands of others who believe that AQR must continue to be published and cherished.

— Lila Vogt


Name-calling, attacks unfortunate

In several Letters to the Editor and elsewhere, certain people who want to legalize and commercialize marijuana in Alaska are engaging in a lot of name-calling and personal attacks. This is misdirected and unfortunate.

When you look at all of the important, representative, and thoughtful organizations that oppose Ballot Measure 2, this name-calling is especially unreasonable.

More than 25 major respected organizations oppose the marijuana legalization and commercialization initiative, including: the Alaska Conference of Mayors, the Alaska Association of Police Chiefs, Alaska Academy of Family Physicians, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, the Alaska Native Village CEO Association, Alaska Regional Hospital, The Alliance, The Alaska Association of Peace Officers, and the Alaska Chamber of Commerce. These organizations have expressed their opposition to legalization and commercialization of marijuana in Alaska because of the adverse impacts this would have on public health, public safety, businesses, city governments, rural and urban Alaska, our children, and our future.

Please stop the name-calling. Alaska voters and all of these organizations deserve better.

— Deborah Williams


Two good questions for Sullivan

I understand that Dan Sullivan advised President George W. Bush on economic matters prior to the Iraq invasion in 2003. The questions I have for Mr. Sullivan are: Did he resign in 2004 in protest of the Iraq invasion or because he thought that Bush's economic policies would lead to a great depression?

Given what has transpired since then, would he do anything differently or would he do it the same way?

— Christopher Effgen



Most of us weren’t born here either

I am so tired of hearing that Dan Sullivan is "not from Alaska" and can't be trusted. How many of us are not originally from Alaska but love our state and what happens here, just the same? So any teacher who is "not from Alaska" should not be trusted to teach our children? Any law enforcement officer who is "not from Alaska" should not be trusted to defend us?

C'mon, people, stop the schoolyard bullying and elitism — elitism based on being born in Alaska. Sadly, some of us were not that fortunate, but there is nowhere else we would rather be. Instead of using that juvenile mantra, "not from Alaska," voters should use their time to educate themselves on the policies, resumes — and voting records of candidates who are in office. Only then will Alaska benefit.

— Carolyn Coller


Big Oil promised more, not less

Oh no. "ExxonMobil predicts lower oil production" (ADN, Tuesday). How can this happen? We did what they asked (well, at least some of us) and defeated Ballot Measure 1 in the recent primary, and they promised more oil, not less. Now they claim that it is a "reasonable approach" to conclude that a long-term decline is continuing. We believed them (well, at least some of us) and now we find a very different story coming from an oil company. Next, they'll be saying there is no Santa Claus.

— Anne Gauthier



Reader likes most letters to editor

I am always impressed with the quality of the letters to the editor in ADN. For the most part, the writers are well informed and write with interesting insight and perspective. Also, some get their point across with humor, as did Michael Wiber who told Begich and Sullivan to just stop the childish character bashing. "Just stop, or so help me, I will turn this car around." That was wonderful.

And then, writer Mark Gould wrote a simple, to the point, haiku poem about feeding children in the schools. He could have shown anger or disgust, as I felt for two writers who questioned what the parents of the children were doing with their money so that they didn't have enough to feed their children.

It is heartening to know, and be reminded through letters, that there are so many kindhearted people in our state.

But one more letter of note: I hope William Ahrens might someday be able to appreciate that the Alaska Natives were the first people to live here, and they are American citizens who deserve to be able to understand the election materials as well as any other citizen. His arrogance is appalling.

— Diane Crawford


The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter for consideration, email letters@adn.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.