Alaska News

Murkowski holds big lead in fundraising

STATEWIDE -- U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski holds a big fundraising edge over GOP rival Joe Miller.

For the 2009-10 election cycle, Murkowski has raised at least $3.5 million; Miller, who entered his first statewide run for office this spring, has raised more than $283,000. The GOP primary is Tuesday.

Miller's overall figure, according to a federal election filing dated Aug. 11, includes $103,900 in candidate loans and $5,000 from Sarah Palin's PAC. Murkowski's overall includes $1.9 million from PACs.

Miller, a self-described constitutional conservative, reported $84,200 on hand as of Aug. 4; Murkowski reported $1.8 million available at that time.

Miller's new campaign manager is attorney Robert Campbell, who took over in the last few days. Separately, for a report on Miller's former campaign manager's accusations against a talk-radio host, go to

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